Laser Hair Reduction or commonly known as LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT is a misnomer as Unwanted Hair Growth In Females is dependent On Many Factors which can be the cause of Hair Growth at Unwanted areas. LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT actually is a most sought after procedure for both males and females who want treatment of unwanted hair and the search for BEST LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT IN DELHI should aim at the type of machine and experience of the dermatologist under whose guidelines treatment is done. Most of the females prefer FULL BODY HAIR REMOVAL and thus want to get relief from waxing, trimming, bleaching and other Epilators.Patients most of the time search and call different laser centers and ask about FULL BODY HAIR REMOVAL COST IN DELHI & NCR without concentrating on the factor that if a suboptimal Laser Hair energy is given, it may result in paradoxical stimulation of hair follicles and the resultant Hair growth is quite resistant to any treatment. So ideally the HAIR REMOVAL COST IN DELHI should be calculated actually on the factors which include the type and USFDA approval of the laser, whether inbuilt chilling is there or not, pain experience when the laser shot is given, size of the head of the handpiece, wavelength of energy used, number of sittings needed, experience of the operator and the joules or energy output of the device. Procedures and treatment of hormones through drug therapy in case of females may be combined under the supervision of Dermatologist. Vaccum Assisted handpiece is a preferred technique for FULL BODY HAIR REMOVAL and benefits the patient as virtually no pain sensation is there when the laser shot is given. The number of sittings also become less and time taken for each sitting is also less and patient is very comfortable during the procedure because of least pain sensation and thus FULL BODY LASER HAIR REMOVAL COST actually is economical to patient if calculated on the basis of comfort level and number of sittings. Most of the centers offering LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT IN DELHI don’t have this vaccum based technology and thus the patient is very uncomfortable during the procedure and thus is hesitant for subsequent sittings.
We offer LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT COST IN DELHI with a handpiece which is virtually painless and the machine is globally acclaimed as one of the best device for LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT. Vaccum assisted handpiece works very well for dark areas like underarms, pubic areas, hips and other dark folds of skin and this higher fluency can be given for good results. The results of FULL BODY LASER REMOVAL are quite appreciated by the patients as they get relief from waxing related cross infections and they are virtually Hair free after 8-10 sessions of LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT. The price given for calculating FULL BODY LASER HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT COST IN DELHI works out to be cheaper then monthly waxing in the long run.
We use the latest USFDA approved laser Hair Reduction Technique by an international and gold standard brand which is regarded as the benchmark for Laser Hair Removal globally. The technology has a vacuum assisted broad hand-piece which has the area 5-6 times as that of conventional hair reduction hand pieces. This vacuum brings the skin and hair follicle near to the laser lamp and stretches the skin so that the hair follicles absorb maximum energy and thus, the patient feels no pain as practically the skin is spared during the laser shot. So, best possible results are obtained by this technique as compared to non-vacuum assisted machines. The laser for the full body procedure doesn’t need any coolant, ice or ice packs and the patient is comfortable during the procedure. The hand-piece has a wider surface area and hence more skin can be targeted at lesser time and patient can experience full body laser hair reduction sitting in 2-4 hrs. The laser can also deliver multiple pulses in a single application and thus can be used for areas which have fine Hair and non-responsive areas. The Laser is suited for all skin types and many patients are referred to our center for this treatment.
The patient can have a first-hand experience of this technique by taking a prior appointment and can take a sample session of patch test before going for full body laser hair reduction procedure. This technique is best suited for full body laser hair reduction for legs, arms, chest, abdomen, back, shoulders and underarms. This is an ideal technique for bikini areas and breast areas for females and pubic area for males. The hair is trimmed and razor shaving is done before the procedure of laser. The patient can take a single sitting and observe the results and if satisfied, can also avail package which is more economical to the patient. The patient doesn’t need any Pre-Laser preparation except shaving off the area and also doesn’t need much aftercare in between the sittings. The sittings can be done once in 45 days or as needed by the patient depending on the hair growth. Most of the patients have practically no growth after 6-10 sessions, still if the patient has hair growth sittings can be taken once or twice in a year. Patient remarkably enjoys the pain-free sessions and receives compliments on their skin after the sessions. This technique can be used instead of waxing, razors and bleaching and patient has no risk of infection as from waxing and razors. Overall, the experience is more economical to waxing, bleaching, trimming. A patient who has an allergy to waxing can have a really good experience with this technique and enjoy the hair-free skin. The laser sessions can be done for full body or any desired part as needed by the patient. The laser machine has a hand-piece which can be used for face or neck areas and has an inbuilt coolant which makes the patient comfortable during the procedure.